Why Bother?


Corporate image and branding

  • Do all your communications strengthen your image with your customers, distributors and suppliers?
  • Are you providing information suited to your customers’ needs?
  • Do your manuals and catalogues give complete, relevant and comprehensible information?


Style and accuracy

  • Is your information written by a number of people? Does it have a single, unified style?
  • Are spellings and usages being consistently employed?
  • Do you sometimes include material which has originated in other countries?
  • Could you use some help in collating, rewriting or polishing written or spoken communications?


Saving management time

  • Do you have better things to do than try to find misprints and other mistakes?
  • Do you have time to ensure that your website is up to date, clear, and without errors or inconsistencies?
  • Have your messages become so familiar to you that you can no longer assess them?
  • Would an outside view, without preconceptions, be useful to you?